Watch this BEFORE you buy your FIRST AeroGarden!

Watch this BEFORE you buy your FIRST AeroGarden!

#hydroponics #indoorgarden #indoorgardening #yearroundgardening #aerogarden #aerogardenbeginner

Buying your first AeroGarden can be overwhelming as there are so many models and things to know! This video goes over things you will want to know BEFORE buying your first AeroGarden as well as some helpful hints and tips I have learned over the years.

FREE AeroGarden Comparison Chart:

Things I mentioned (The following links are affiliate links and I may earn a small commission if you purchase through the links below at no charge to you 😁)
* Aerogarden Sprout:
* Aerogarden nutrients:
* Hole covers:
* Grow anything pods:
* Grow baskets:
* Grow domes:
* Cal-mag:
* Pollinator:
* Water jug:
* Green pod covers/stickers:
* Seedling starter deck (Sprout):
* Seedling starter deck (Harvest):
* Seedling starter dech (Harvest 360):
* Seedling starter deck (Farm):

My Favourite seed companies
West Coast Seeds: (Affiliate link)
Renee’s Garden: (Affiliate link)
Baker Creek:
Victory Seeds:

– Garden Goals Worksheet (SMART Method):
– Printable Seed Packages:


The following links may be affiliate links and I may earn a small commission if you purchase through the links below at no charge to you 😁
* Kelpy (Save 15%): Coupon code OLSF at
* Rise Garden (Save $50 off any Family Rise Garden):
* Click and Grow (Save 10%):
* Wormbox (Save 5%):
* GrowOya (Save 5%): Coupon Code OLSFARMHOUSE at
* Earth Medicine Microbial Fertilizer (Save 10%) by using FARMHOUSE10 at
* Seeding Square:
* Renee’s Garden:

My Blog:
My Instagram:
My Facebook:
My Etsy Shop:

Happy gardening!



  1. Great tips, luckily I think I ordered the right one. But glad to hear from you I shouldn’t fill all the holes I had no idea.

  2. My herbs aren’t growing at all, I agree the company doesn’t have good support in growing. I’ve been looking through their website for tips (as directed by customer service) no luck so far

  3. Do you recommend "transplanting" the yield to a pot? My basils are doing great, so much so that they keep growing, so I wonder if I can keep them on the side while starting another yield.

  4. The Pod replacement policy discouraged me from even using it. They want dates of purchase, manufacturing codes, make, model, and serial number of your unit (which is really fun to find when it’s on the bottom and the reservoir is full of water!!) I’ve had many problems with their pods either not germinating or growing mold! It appears they are very time-sensitive, so I wouldn’t stock up on Pods figuring you can use them next year bc they probably won’t be viable. So, instead, I buy quality seeds and plant my own Pods. If one doesn’t germinate, I can easily replace it with none of the hassles Aerogarden puts you through.

  5. Long time Aerogardener here! Excellent video – this is pretty much the same info that I tell everyone who wants to get into it. And I agree that all their products are generally good, but there are substitutes that are perfectly acceptable. I love my little gardens! Happy Gardening!

  6. I have a VERY valuable tip: get the tiniest expanded clay pebbles you can find or if you already have a large bag of them sift or hand sort all the tiny ones you need to fill the grow basket and transplant rooted seedlings into these style gardens instead of using the expensive grow sponges. Use aluminum foil to prevent light entering. I will NEVER get ripped off on sponges again!

  7. I ended up getting an iDoo instead of the AeroGarden. I also use their fertilizer. This will be our second season with it and I was pleased with the results.

  8. Aerogarden should be paying you for this! They are definitely remiss in not giving customers more information.

  9. Have you tried Foliage Pro from Dyna-Gro?

    Ive heard from some knowledgeable people that it has the perfect ratio of nutrients for most plants, not just leafy plants. And most plants can grow in foliage pro from start to finish. (This is from people growing in bark-based soilless potting mix with no nutrients added than Osmocote)
    It has twice the calcium that the MG aerogarden food.

    I just want to hear from other people that have used it in hydro and how it went.

  10. No replacement lights for any models available at this time. When I bought they said they did, now all have disappeared.

  11. THANK YOU! ‘Height’! Who’d a thunk? Subscribed. In Arizona, so am researching indoors and low-light – so what are my options? Initially just want to grow ‘something’ hydroponically to watch it do its thing. 2nd or 3rd generation, I’ll actually grow something ‘useful’… I don’t know… radishes? Thank you again.

  12. I saw a one star review left by a complete loon who was angry because the garden didn`t produce dwarf tomatoes in 14 days. I swear to God people are DANGEROUS nowadays!

  13. We have 2 Harvest Elite’s, I keep one of them with 6 Cilantro plants year round. We love fresh Cilantro. I start all my Bell pepper plants in them for my outside Garden. Note,,, if you have cats and do Bell peppers, you might have to make a card board shell to put around the plants. My silly Cat loves the new Bell pepper plants and will eat them down to the stem. Just got my Pepper plants in the garden outside so I am fixing to try doing some flowers in the one that does not have Cilantro. Also started and planted outside 4 Basil plants..

  14. So glad I found your video. I’m thinking of investing in a Bounty Elite, but have no experience. Some great tips and advice.

  15. These are a rip off. It’s a total disaster. Plants grow in the dirt not in water and forced plant food. Don’t buy this garbage. It’s like the Ronco crap back in the 1970’s and 80’s.

  16. Good heads-up!

    Consumer Reports tested 4 home gardens and their favourite was the Aerogarden 360. Sure love to have one! The next cold winter months will be so miserably long!

  17. Can the plants be started in the areo garden and then transplanted out out doors when conditions are favorable?

  18. Would love to ask – from anyone reading! – about tips for growing herbs that would normally grow on a wider area? Like, parsley, coriander. I’m planning on some kind of small/easy hydroponic system, but I’m concerned that even if I get good growth, the first time I want to use a little bunch of these herbs it’s going to be all gone! Those pods/grow spots seem really narrow.

  19. Just massage pollinate with your fingers, or whatever is called specifically. For plants that actually need it.

  20. Love the review but I’ve heard there’s some trouble at Aerogarden and they’re closing shop!? Anyone good alternative to suggest now? I something with a good customer support, reliable plants, etc.

  21. Just bought my wife her first unit. Very informative. From house plants at christmas to herb garden for mothers day

  22. i just ended up starting over 2 of them , but kept one of my more successful pepper plants. im going to keep it more simple this time more herbs , 1 tomato 1 sweet pepper and the jalepeno pepper plant i’ve had , and more lettuce and basil.

  23. Notes: Most important – Grow height because that can impede plants you can grow. Don’t use all the holes. Cover holes you are not using to reduce mold. Use dwarf plants. Get small fan for air circulation. Get cal-mag.

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