How to Plant a Pollinator Garden

How to Plant a Pollinator Garden

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Pollinators make your garden more productive & beautiful, so join @meggrowsplants and learn how to set up your very first pollinator garden!


→ Purple Coneflower Echinacea:
→ Anise Hyssop:
→ Irresistible Blend Milkweed:
→ Feverfew:
→ Incredible! Swirl Coreopsis:
→ Common Milkweed:
→ Bouquet Dill:
→ Flat Leaf Parsley:
→ Diablo Cosmos:
→ Torch Mexican Sunflower:
→ Lemon Queen Sunflower:
→ Zeolights Calendula:
→ Thumbelina Zinnia:
→ Red Metamorph French Marigold:
→ Epic 6-Cell Trays:
→ Birdies Raised Beds: h


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  1. The weirdest thing, I have catnip (not catmint or whatever that crap is in stores, the stuff you dig up from the fence row) growing in my garden for the cat, and last year when it bloomed, before everything else I ended up hosting baby hummingbirds. Of all the crap I plant from stores, which is basically all hybrid tea roses, the one thing that I plant for my cat benefited hummingbird offspring. Oddly enough on that same corner I have bird feeders (mostly for me but the cat don’t mind 😅) and the mess the birds make I almost always get a random volunteer sunflower, and the yellow goldfinches love it, which is why I put up bird feeders to begin with. It’s a win win win, I get the peace of mind, old chunky kitty’s happy, birds are content, even had a rabbit seek refuge under one of my roses….. which got ate by an owl……. And squirrels plant stuff in the pots on the patio. Best part is, I live in the city. With all the hustle of life, in a city, having squirrels, bunnies, hawks falcons, owls, hummingbirds, the run of mill birds, including the colorful ones, a cat, it’s nice to chill one a Sunday and enjoy the simple things in life.

  2. I live in Michigan (Zone 6A) and in addition to tithonia, my pollinators love bee balm and borage. ❤️🦋🐝

  3. Hola ~ new subbie here. i was so invested in this info my sink ran over i was washing dishes LOL no harm i caught it as soon as i heard the water …. anywho i can’t wait to plant my 1st pollinator patch Gracias 🌞🌱🌹 🌸💮🏵🌻🌼🌷🦋🦋🦋🦗🪱🐛🐝🐝🐝🐞

  4. Does Meg have a channel? Or is there any way you have any tips on coneflower? And getting it to germinate?

  5. Meg is a wonderful presenter she has such a nice way about her !! I look forward to her videos and have learned a lot !

  6. I live in southeast Alabama and it is very hot and humid in the summer. I would love to grow the Mexican sunflowers but read that they don’t grow well in humid areas. Thought I would check in and see if anyone else is in a humid area and has had success.

  7. I live in California East Bay, zone 9b, & the Native flower that brings in 100s of bees, some I have never seen before, is Purple Tansy

  8. I live in Lagrange Ga zone 8, which also have hard red clay soil, do you know if epic gardener have pollinator plants that Will be productive in my zone

  9. Several popular, native perennial pollinators for the northeast are; purple coneflower, bee balm, phlox, rudbeckia, both orange and pink swamp milkweed, and native butterfly bush. Non-native annuals that attract pollinators are zinnia, cosmos, marigold, coreopsis, Mexican sunflowers. Passionflower are native to the southern US but can be treated like a perennial up north; cut back & brought in during winter. Also, three great herbs to grow among the pollinators are dill, parsley & fennel, certain butterfly species require these to complete their entire life-cycle (like monarchs require milkweed.)

  10. I bought the Botanical Interests Native California Color native mix. Is it too late to sprinkle to make a pollinator patch in 10a? Excited to add more flowers. Already have the birdbath in place and for better or worse the bees are living in our deck wood already.

  11. I live in Australia I can only imagine how cool it would be to see a Hummingbird popping in your yard for a feed or drink, we do have many interesting birds but Hummingbirds……. WOW

  12. Gardeners have the best metaphors, love the restaurant comparison 😂 Seeing another woman around my age talk about this so passionately reminds me how much I want to connect with the local gardening community; I just want a friend or two that understands and wants to play in the dirt and make garden designs🥲😂

  13. If you send a stamped, self addresses envelope to the Live Monarch Foundation, they will send you milkweed seeds native to your area – FREE! PO Box 1339, Blairsville, GA 30514

  14. I love hollyhocks but so does a nasty beetle here, the only thing that I have seen keep them off is a gross herbicide I’m not interested in using 😭 Any tips?

  15. ❤ Meg. Great information and very personable. Love to see bees, bumble bees, hummingbirds and butterflies. Don’t have enough and need to diversify

  16. No we don’t have to go spend dollars for flowers or flower seed, and grow them for pollinators. We can if we want to, it’s fun and joyful to do, but no we don’t have to do that to have pollinated vegetables. Plant the veggies and the pollinators will find them the same as they would find the flowers. They’re smarter than we humans give them credit for.

  17. I planted lavender one year. The bees loved it. The bee keepers in my area told me that it changed the taste of the honey, but everyone liked it.

  18. Thank you for pointing out the American Meadows seed mixes! I’ve been stressing hard about getting a pollinator seed mix that I can trust, and being in the same area of the US, I think it’ll be a great choice. Also, mexican sunflowers are awesome! I grew a few last year and absolutely loved them. Please please please do a video on them!

  19. Chaos gardener made me LOL – I can relate! As a senior living in a trailer in a 55+ community in Florida, I have precious little space, and can only garden in containers, but I get native milkweed through the Florida Native Plant Society, as well as other native plants for pollinators, and I am about to set up my birdbath, as it’s already getting warm here. I was so excited last year when less than a week after I brought my newest milkweed home I saw two monarch caterpillars already chomping away – must have arrived with the plant – so I hastily and carefully repotted it into a larger pot and put it with last years plants, which were already blooming. Had Monarchs visiting soon!

  20. You guys should get a Professional editor, you literally have a niche channel on YouTube and are missing out. Great content but boring delivery.

  21. Very Informative and interesting. I live in So. Cal. I planted Mexican Sunflowers last year, and loved it. I let the seeds fall to the ground in Fall, and now I have a lot popping up in April. The Holylhock does very well here too. The Passion Vine is spreading everywhere. Thanks for the information.

  22. I am in NC love to plant sunflowers and have beehives so typically my garden does well for pollination and vegetable production. My wife likes butterfly bushes so we have a couple of those that are typically covered in butterflies once they are in full bloom.

  23. Last year, i purchased several heirloom wildflower seeds for my area (AZ) and spread them all over my gravel front yard. For two years in a row, the yard has exploded with beautiful flowers and attracted so many bees, birds and butterflies. Even neighbors stop by to look at it. It’s been great.

  24. Kevin I am planting my garden, but vegetables seed that grow in the summer, love carrot and herbs can I have it .

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