This is a routine that’s worked for me for years.. Give it a shot

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  1. How any ppm’s are you giving them each time ? 400 ? 500 ? 1000 ? You can’t hit a plant with 1600 pmm. 3 x a week.

  2. So with this feed feed feed schedule are you just using all of the nutrients together every time you would water/feed?? Looking to start my first grow and this so far sounds like an amazing idea for a water/feed as it’s the most simple straight forward method and sounds like it produces well 😊

  3. I’m completely new to this. My grow store told me feed, feed, water. With the purpose of the water to help push some of the salt out of the soil. What’s your take on this?

  4. I follow Welcome to the Grow Tent’s method. Three waterings for every feed.
    Consistent great harvest and I wast much less money on wasted nutrients.

  5. If it were my guess, the quality of water = amount of plant food. Contaminated well water for example can cause imbalances and lock outs quickly.

  6. A big question ???? I use general hydroponics up and down and I noticed it brings up my ppm around 400 ppm’s so should I check my ppm’s before I ph my water ???

  7. I like to use hot water for dry salts in 8-12 oz glass jar. Everything dissolves first before adding to gallon of water

  8. No E.C. Info. No how much to water. No how much food or what kinda food. Just feed the hell out of em. 😂

  9. So what are you temp, humidity, how is your EC, how often you need watering? in this video there is not info about this. So everything is relative in the end.

  10. Interesting. I was wondering the same thing the other week when I started noticing the plant was transitioning to flower and was thinking about just feeding everytime the soil is dry when I would’ve watered. But thought it would be too much or overkill(do less get the same result type of thought) but all my dry amendments are mixed into the compost tea or top dressed and watered so it’s still getting water. I think I’m just gunna send it with this feed feed feed idea and flush for the last couple weeks and see if I like the outcome

  11. I see you are sponsored bye AC do you use there whole set up tent with controller etc . I’m not having great success I’m not sure if it’s their lighting or my fault. Can you set up seed to grow with how you use their set up regards

  12. I have a couple of questions around the order you mix everything… first, what “micros” or micronutrients are you referring to? I was under the impression that regular tap water, after letting most chlorine evaporate, had all the micronutrients required? Also, you mention “hit it with the Grow and then hit it with the Bloom.” Isn’t it one or the other depending on whether it’s in veg or flowering?

  13. What’s good bruh, so with this “ feed,feed,feed,feed,feed process, are you feeding a gallon of feed per 5 gallon pot? PLEASE ADVISE

  14. This gives me YSG nostalgia… the good ol times with you in the stream and the raids we had 🥰🥹😓 still miss her streams but it’s good to see you keep g(r)o(w)ing strong 💪

  15. You have to micro dose to achieve this regiment with liquid tablespoons a gallon nutz.
    I’ve done this for decades,
    Just think about it one tablespoons is 3 tsp, 6 halfs(1/2) of teaspoon, twelve 1/4 teaspoons.
    You can break this into a 6-7 applications rate in 6-7 days ( measure your ppm’s for the end of the week not the day ) if you do the math.
    I use nectar from the gods we water everyday because nectar from the gods is a micro dose nutrient kind of like Hydroponics nutz u can water soil everyday with that stuff .

    "EARLY MORNING"!!!!!!
    He stay in my Garden 😏😎✌

  16. the idea of watering 3x per week is kind of blowing my mind. I’ve got 3 plants in 5 gal fabric pots of FF ocean forest soil and i’m giving 1.25L per plant once a week. am I off?

  17. I use super phosphate and high content potash and blackstrap molasses and I fertilize once a week. I yield 2plus pounds on a 5 foot plant

  18. You always pH prior to adding nutrients as pH up and down brings nutrients to the bottom of the water. There’s multiple videos of this!!!

  19. Thank you. I’m a first time grower and 3 weeks in I have a tiny seedling with 2 true leaves. Seems almost too slow. Feeding every 10 to 14 days clearly not enough. Now thanks to you I can switch it up.

  20. Thank you at last someone answers the question to how often. Do I feed?
    I use Dutch pro and they can only show you a chart for amounts

  21. Hi first time in your channel thanks to Mr Scrogger 😊.. I’ve been using coco and perlite for the last 5 years always feeding every other day with no deficiencies just big tomatoes.. happy growing

  22. ofcourse AC infinity it’s the best. Youre making money off them by sending potential customers their way.. I’ll stick with non biased tests on youtube

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