1. Great video! [4:42] How would you compare this drip system to a smart irrigation controller in terms of water efficiency?

  2. No thank you, I have a small garden. I couldn’t replace the tranquility, moments of reflexion , satisfying feeling and peacefulness watering my garden with a watering can. I pass

  3. When I started the video I was like there’s no way drip irrigation is this easy but then I realized that sure enough it was as easy as he told me

  4. Thank you. I watched several irrigation videos bc this will be my first time trying this and your video is by far the best! Very well explained! Thank you so very much. Awesome video! Now, come help me! 😂

  5. Just wanted to say thanks for this simple to follow video. I watched several others and they made it so complicated. So thank you!

  6. I’ve been thinking drip irrigation seemed complicated but this video laid everything out in the simplest terms. I’ll be free from torture in Texas next summer and I’m thrilled ☺️

  7. Agreed…no nonsense help plus the first video that shows remote water valve away from house an mounted to a 4×4. I’m doing this also, and will have the main hose bib connections mounted to a plywood board as a base to keep things from moving around. The remote connection protects against big leaks at the house foundation.

  8. The man gave me 100 % confident to tackle this tidiness job which I was like a cavemen entering the garden for the first time. Thank you Steve.

  9. Well, I’m not so much into gardening, but my wife is. What I do like is playing with equipment and laying out systems. Fun for both of us, and then we don’t have to worry so much about watering anything. Slick! Thank you!

  10. This is the first guy man to get to the point and teach you very well and simply, he’s the best, YouTube should give him an award 🎉

  11. Thank you for the clear, understandable presentation. Iʻm about to gather the parts of a drip system and now I understand them all better.

  12. He doesn’t talk about using a different pressure regulator for the emitter tubing vs the tubing that you add an emitter to.

  13. Great video. Recommended it to a friend who has had bad luck setting up a system that was reliable. You make it so easy to understand. Thanks.

  14. ok, my water spigot is on the house and the raised beds are on the other side of the lawn. Best advice to set this up so I do not run over the hose with the mower?

  15. My garden is a long distance from my house. Can I run my hose over to the garden then attach my: Filter, regulator, timer, and 1/2"tubing system? Excellent video, TY!!

  16. Outstanding video. This really gives me the confidence to take my garden to the next level next year! Cheers from 6b.

  17. So helpful, thank you! How do you connect the water to the wooden post first? Does the faucet on the other side of the post go to the house?

  18. Dear Steve, you gave me the confidence to walk into an irrigation supply store as if I was a mediocre man. Thank you for your teaching, I wish you were my dad.

  19. This is a great video! Thanks for taking the time to make it. I didn’t even consider things like a pre-filter, etc. I’m sure I saved myself a lot of grief by watching this before starting my install including buying a lot of ‘goof plugs’. 😁

  20. If you don’t want to run back and forth getting hot water try a hairdryer and extension cord just saying or propane torch seems a bit easier in my opinion

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