Do you NEED to Rotate Your Crops?

Do you NEED to Rotate Your Crops?

We’ve all heard you need to rotate your crops for a healthy organic vegetable garden. How do you rotate your crops?
Do you need to practice crop rotation for success? Or is there another easier way. Easy crop rotation? No crop rotation? In this video I’ll explain what crop rotation is, show you two different methods and show you what I do instead of rotating my crops every year.

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Companion Planting for Tomatoes:
Companion Planting for Peppers:

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Hey Guys, I’m Brian from Next Level Gardening

Welcome to our online community! A place to be educated, inspired and hopefully entertained at the same time! A place where you can learn to grow your own food and become a better organic gardener. At the same time, a place to grow the beauty around you and stretch that imagination (that sometimes lies dormant, deep inside) through gardening.

I’m so glad you’re here!

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  1. If you overwinter peppers and other crops, do you just take them out of the soil and move them to another bed?

  2. Another great video! You do such a wonderful job of explaining gardening practices and alternative ways for home gardeners to address the same issues.

  3. Thank you so much! This was super helpful! Would I be able to do the rotation in one year (Ex: beans in fall, lettuce in winter, tomatoes in spring, sweet potatoes in summer), or does it have to be year after year?

  4. I’m a bit confused. Do you multiple beds of the same thing and rotating, or one bed is being rotated?

  5. Sometimes more info results in more questions. Gonna try starting my first garden in a couple weeks. Going no-till, polycrop, organic,bio-char, compost, blah, blah, etc…

  6. Sorry to be that person but it is fruits that need the potassium and the roots that need the phosphorus…apart from that all true.

  7. 🔺ALLIUMS:
    Chives/Garlic/Onions & Shallots
    🔺CUCURBITS: Gourds/Melons/Summer&Winter Squash/Cucumbers &
    🔺LEGUMES: Alfalfa/Beans/CowPeas/Clover/Peas/HairyVetch & Peanuts
    🔺BRASSICAS: Broccoli, BrusselSprouts/Cabbage/Cauliflower/CollardGreens/Mustard/Kale/Kohlrabi/Radishes & Turnips.

  8. I watched this video specifically on the dedicated-tomato-trellis issue. What do you amend the soil with each year?

  9. I mix flowers in the vegetable beds as you do Brian does this alter the complex interplay in a raised bed? Maybe to complicated to answer..

  10. Super good info thank you! This is what I struggle with. I have 8 beds 8 trellis and inground, so not much room to move my crop around. I’m guilty of planting my beans, and my peppers in the same spot every year! I do amend my soil though, and mulch thick with straw.

  11. you are clairvoyant!! I was just wondering about this, my tiny garden is all raised beds and pots so crop rotation is a luxury I cannot afford…I use Dr Zymes now for the beginning of the season for pest and disease, and compost, chicken poo, and neptunes harvest for amendment …so far so good!!

  12. Excellent presentation! 👍 As you state, crop rotation is most desirable. But as you also stated, there are other means.
    Best example is the Morrow Plots @ my Alma Mater, University of Illinois. One section has been planted in continuous corn since 1876! That’s 147 straight years of corn in one plot.
    You’re doing a great job of no BS presentations & I look forward to each of them.

  13. Hello Brian,
    I am growing corn for the 1st time and it is doing well, Can you tell me how to keep it from getting worms in the ears using organic methods? Very much appreciate all you do for us

  14. Your videos are always SUPER informative, thank you so much for the great content. I had a question unrelated to plants – but how in the world can I keep mosquitoes from eating me alive without the use of mosquito repellent, do you or anyone else know of a way? TIA 🙂

  15. We just completed at the beginning of May our two 4 x 8 raised bed gardens from your enthusiasm. They both have tomato trellises in them from built from the mulberry branches that my neighbor threw in his backyard, and I repurposed I have a lot of those left for other purposes, including holding up my shade cloth over my roses because we live in the CA Central Coast and the roses burn. Please keep telling us what to do because even after more decades than you are alive I keep learning thank you.

  16. Do sweet potatoes fit in the rotation chart with regular potatoes? Would okra group with the brassicas or the flowering plants? Thanks.

  17. On a charles dowding video he showed with good soil practice ,crop rotation is only needed when diseased,he also did show that planting in the same spot increases yield each year for 3 years then it declines so it seems crop rotation should be opposite plant for 3 years move on the 4th instead of move every year and come back on the 3rd or 4th year. I makes sense as all the bacteria and fungi do go to the plant as the roots summon them (good and bad) if your plants and soil is healthy both should prevent disease, plants get more of what they need each year as ph and stuff has already been changed from the last same plant, also a soil scientist i watch says if you’re putting topping a bed with compost on every year then there isnt much use for rotation as your plants are going into fresh clean soil. So no real worry seems to be needed unless your have a for compost th3 soil scientist says just 1 inch is all you need for nutrient replacement as when plants in the wild breakdown they dont turn into much soil (1 inch if compost is so many plants already why add 3x as much) nout only that but youd get more compost for your land (maybe no more buying compost if you can make An inch per bed) with a layer of mulch if needing/wanting.

  18. On a side note I bought a Farm Daddy box and planted 4 different peppers. They have produced a few peppers but not as much as I had expected. I think mine didn’t do too well probably because the box was not totally level as it should have been.

  19. OK. Can’t grow potatoes in my same 20 gallon pots next year… can I use the soil from those pots top off my raised beds next year? I need to put new soil in the pots and keep my potatoes growing in the pots because my husband won’t let me plant them in the ground. I have been rotating my rows of bush beans with my rows of sweet corn. Should I continue this?

  20. When plants drop their seeds in the fall, there’s volunteers next year and seeds by leaving some in the ground, organic tree mulch is a must for healthy soil ❤️🥗

  21. Yeah free style is more me. I am hoping the interplanting will solve some of my issues. So far so good. Thanks for the great videos 👍🏼

  22. I have a question, because I live in an HOA I’m limited on what I can plant in my yard. I currently have 12 raised garden beds. Some of them are in a screened in lanai that receives a lot of sun. The others I have that also receive a lot of sun, but are not in the screened lanai. It all has to be aesthetically pleasing and not look like a garden. So my question is, I don’t have very many places to rotate to, because many things can’t be planted in a lanai with a screen. As much as it would be a lot of work. Can I keep the raised beds where they are, but rotate the dirt, do it as you say the Legume, Leaf, Fruit, Loop rotation? If I can would I also need to sterilize the beds after the dirt is removed?

  23. I love your book and have been using it to manage my garden with great results. I only have two 4×8 beds so I appreciate that last bit about interplanting if there isn’t room for rotation.

  24. I did just spray my tomato leaves with Epsom Salt this morning…oops! 🙈 How soon after can I use the aspirin spray?? And 600mg aspirin to 1 gallon of water??

  25. I just told Acre Homestead to visit your channel you’ll tell her everything she needs to know on how to help her garden! And get your book it has helped me out a lot.. Thanks for all your hard work teaching us about gardening!!

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