Crop Rotation Made Simple – Rotate Your Vegetable Beds for Healthier Produce

Crop Rotation Made Simple – Rotate Your Vegetable Beds for Healthier Produce

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Crop rotation is key to a successful vegetable garden after the first year. It’s also difficult to organize well, particularly if you are growing different amounts of a variety of crops. This video explains a simple colour-coded method of crop rotation that makes the whole process much simpler and shows how the Garden Planner software can help.

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The Garden Planner is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

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  1. Useless for home gardeners because they bring compost, leaf mold …every year. Theirs gardens are not a mono culture.

  2. WOW! You really got it figured out. So I can just follow your planner every year and don’t even have to pull my hair out figuring where everything goes every year! Very cool! ❤

  3. Please may I make a cheeky request for another video on this? I’m only able to grow in cintrainers at present and into my first season. Im now wondering how crop rotation in container soil works. Is it the same principle but make sure you label the bags before moving their location??

  4. Yo what I was watching the Delta Parole Music Video and now why am I watching vid after vid like this and it’s 4am lol

  5. I absolutely love this garden planner but as a senior with limited income I just can’t justify paying $30.00 a year. Wish there was a one time purchase for mobile app version.

  6. A major hassle with crop rotation is with the irrigation systems needing to be fine tuned for almost every different type of Vege.
    Especially for people with back bending issues but with mostly inground beds this can be even more of a challenge.
    Raised beds are the way to go if one can arrange such thus allowing more easy access to do so many of the tasks needing to be taken care of.

  7. After reading alot of isekai mangas im now researching crop rotation in case i need to improve a kingdoms agricultural situation XDDD

  8. for those that are wondering the cost is…
    $29USD for 1 year
    $45USD for 2 year subscription

    You’re welcome… it’s hard to dig out that information, even though it’s an "easy" gardening website.

  9. The method of repleshing the soil with nutrients is by reducing the cultivation of the same crop year after year or season after season.

  10. I wonder how to do crop rotation if you live in a colder area that requires a green house for growing tomatoes, cucumbers etc..? How to crop rotate in a green house?

  11. I’m a total noob to this but I’m getting conflicting stories on crop rotation, seemingly a lot of people do just fine without it and without monocultures too.

  12. Would it make sense to draw up 5 or so different crop placements that aren’t in conflict with each other ahead of time, and that way you only have to remember if you’re in a year 1-5 so you know the next years planting?

    Sorry if it’s a dumb question, I’m trying to learn as much as I can for the future when my wife and I but a small farm

  13. Are you normally supposed to tear out and replant crops like tomatoes and beans every new season, or can they stay in the soil for one or two at a time?

  14. This is brilliant marketing for their product. These are like commercials but they are so well done I don’t even care. I watch every single one and will buy this program soon once I’ve moved to a larger space. Well done guys. 🌱

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