7 Pests You Probably Have In Your Garden (And What To Do)

7 Pests You Probably Have In Your Garden (And What To Do)

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Both @jacquesinthegarden and I are no stranger to garden pests, so in today’s video we go over 7 of the MOST common ones and our recommendations for how to prevent and control them.


→ Epic 6-Cell: https://growepic.co/3Ai0oSf
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00:00 – Intro
00:09 – Aphids
02:40 – Fungus Gnats
04:35 – Cabbage Looper & Cabbage Worm
06:02 – Leaf Miners
08:28 – Cutworm
09:57 – Thrips
11:11 – Whiteflies


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  1. I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. (Luke 13:5 [KJV])
    And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (Hebrews 9:27)
    Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matthew 7:13-14)
    For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)

  2. Those cabbage worms are bad news if they show up after the head starts forming. The eggs are laid in the tight folds of the head where they go to town. Wasps will go in as far as they can, but they can’t go far enough, so they wait for them to emerge. We have a lot of paper wasps where we live. They don’t hoard food, so once they take their fill, the worms have nothing to worry about. The only defense we’ve found is a mesh net all season. We’re also working on bird houses and feeders in hopes they will help our efforts.

  3. You guys covered a lot of issues here, this is really great. You’re really good at gardening problems and solutions! thank you

  4. 🐛😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍⚔️🐞

  5. What about ants living in outdoor container plants. So gross. I’ve used DE and put tape around the trunk of a peach tree. Any other thoughts I’m in KY. Thank you🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜

  6. I find that I get thrips early in the season, but mid summer the assassin bugs show up and take care of the thrips problem!

  7. I planted lettuce with potatoes. It was cold, so potatoes took awhile in spring to pop up. Now they are shading the lettuce. I also found slugs prefer potato leaves over lettuce, since I’m not harvesting potato leaves, so I’m fine with potato leaves with holes in them. Makes it easier to pick them off too.

  8. Ha ha everything in California is a pest and detrimental to the AG community, try to find out what species of insects native to the central San Joaquin have been lost or even what they were and for some reason you are now pulling teeth of the same.

  9. Information is good I just wish you talk at a normal speed. Some of your words can’t understand them because you talk fast.

  10. Awesome that you use the Summit Mosquito Dunks. Been using them for years but I hadn’t thought of putting the dunks in water. I’ve been using the Bits but the dunks make it much easier so I don’t have to strain out the bits since they get moldy. Thank you so much for that tip. One dunk per 5gal, cool. What I’m understanding is BT will kill all larvae of most any kind of pest. Will BT also kill the larvae of the good bugs too? Great video. Somewhere I read ppl use toothpicks next to the seedlings but I like the sticks even better.

  11. I had aphids all over a trellis full of pole beans! Nothing worked! I read somewhere that old timers used flour to dust the plants and this would kill the aphids as they would bloat from ingesting the flour. I pruned, washed, and then powdered my pole bean leaves with all purpose flour and it worked!

  12. just so damn disheartening to try to grow a productive garden with having to fight so many battles, from these little monsters to rats and disease…. i actually give up some years and then just for the love of it, i try again to see if conditions have changed at all.

  13. Do you have any recommendations on how to keep rabbits out of the garden? There are wild rabbits all over my area, which leads me toward a container gardening approach, but I wonder if they’ll jump on the containers as well… I bought a couple of Greenstalks and maybe they’ll end up eating from there and cause the stalk to tip over… Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.

  14. Found this out by accident. I hung a suet block over some aphid infested roses in the morning before going to work. Chickadees, sparrows and bushtits were common visitors at the suet feeder. When I came home at the end of the work day I went out to spray a home-brew insecticide on the roses. There was no trace of aphids on the roses. I now routinely use this practice for aphid control.

  15. Im curious if you’ve ever looked into springtail propagation. Im sure there are different species so youd want to make sure you are getting local species. Its really popular for reptile keepers to do bioactive enclosures and if its not set up right they will get fungus gnats. It’s controlled by using isopod and springtail colonies. YOU HAVE TO GET LOCAL POPULATIONS if you are putting them outside. But the reason i bring it up is because these little critters naturally live in the soil and keep it healthy but since so many gardners are using potted plants or raised garden beds, they likely arent in your soil immediately to help with these issues.

  16. I have had great success against fungus gnats by using ‘Natria neem oil,’ diluted into water. I personally have a selection of 3 in. starter plants I keep indoors, I set them in a bowl of this diluted neem spray liquid (literally spray the spray into the water a few times, all you need) and overnight, no more fungus gnats. ; ) They came from some coconut coir bricks that I had purchased from amazon… absolutely infested with fungus gnat eggs, buyers beware.

  17. Step one: go to any public place

    Step two: collect lady-beetles

    Step three: release them in your garden, with all the flowers and hiding spots and food, they will stay

    Step four: watch as the aphids get eaten alive

    Step 4.5: locate the ants trail and then then redirect them into a bucket of bug spray, but mask the smell with meat or apple scent

  18. I would love to hear how you guys manage spider mites! They started on my house plants and then migrated to my outdoor garden where they are thriving 😢

  19. Whiteflies…nothing you suggested kills them. I do not want to use the hardcore stuff and kill every living thing…but damn!…Im so tempted!

  20. You can see the eggs of the cabbage worms and the leaf miners on the undersides of leaves. Instead of using any kind of pesticide, you can just find the eggs and rub them off with your finger. Then cover your vulnerable plants (brassicas, beets, kale, swiss chard, spinach) with fine mesh bug netting for gardens so the moths can’t get in to lay their eggs anymore.

  21. I don’t have any of those bugs , because I spray malathion and a good fungicide to go along with it . Also Ortho makes a good garden vegetable spray that works well . I’ve been using spray for sixty years, so don’t tell me about this and that . I’ll be eighty years old in October and I’m going to keep spraying .

  22. How do you get rid of squash vine borers that hide in your soil and eat your zucchini fruit/plant, squash and pumpkins? Is there any organic spray treatment that can be used? Vinegar, soap, etc?

  23. I used to have trouble with aphids until lady beetles naturally made their way into the garden and starting laying their eggs 😌 warms my heart to see the young lady beetles eat all the aphids

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