4 Natural Pesticides I'm Stocking NOW Before Price Hikes

4 Natural Pesticides I'm Stocking NOW Before Price Hikes

Do you struggle with insects ruining your garden but want to avoid spraying toxic chemicals on your food? Natural insect control is possible with natural and organic pesticides that control insects in your garden using naturally occurring compounds! However, prices typically increase with demand during summer. These are 4 natural pesticides I’m stocking now before the price hikes!

In this video, I share my favorite natural and organic insecticide products that actually work, discuss the best time to apply them and how to use them to minimize or eliminate risks to injuring good insects like pollinators, dragonflies, ladybugs and other beneficial insects.

Please see the following PRODUCT LINKS shown in the video:
Pyrethrin Concentrate*: https://amzn.to/41bHU1p
Pyrethrin Concentrate (Organic)*: https://amzn.to/413Rcwz
Spinosad Concentrate*: https://amzn.to/3KrS8ne
Spinosad Dust*: https://amzn.to/43xKuAe
Wettable Sulfur Powder*: https://amzn.to/413fZk8
Bt Concentrate*: https://amzn.to/3UAGU4h
Amazon Store Insect Control*: https://www.amazon.com/shop/themillennialgardener/list/2C135NMH9P9C5

0:00 Intro To Natural Insecticides For Gardening
1:58 Natural Pesticide #1: Pyrethrin
5:56 Natural Pesticide #2: Spinosad
7:09 Natural Pesticide #3: Wettable Sulfur
8:37 Natural Pesticide #4: Bt Concentrate
11:28 Adventures With Dale

This study explains how to use spinosad while minimizing or eliminating harm to pollinators: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15366583/

If you have any questions about how to control insects in your garden naturally, have questions about growing fruit trees or want to know about the things I grow in my raised bed vegetable garden and edible landscaping food forest, are looking for more gardening tips and tricks and garden hacks, have questions about vegetable gardening and organic gardening in general, or want to share some DIY and “how to” garden tips and gardening hacks of your own, please ask in the Comments below!





Miracle-Gro Soluble All Purpose Plant Food https://amzn.to/3qNPkXk
Miracle-Gro Soluble Bloom Booster Plant Food https://amzn.to/2GKYG0j
Miracle-Gro Soluble Tomato Plant Food https://amzn.to/2GDgJ8n
Jack’s Fertilizer, 20-20-20, 25 lb. https://amzn.to/3CW6xCK

Southern Ag Liquid Copper Fungicide https://amzn.to/2HTCKRd
Southern Ag Natural Pyrethrin Concentrate https://amzn.to/2UHSNGE
Monterey Organic Spinosad Concentrate https://amzn.to/3qOU8f5
Safer Brand Caterpillar Killer (BT Concentrate) https://amzn.to/2SMXL8D

Cordless ULV Fogger Machine https://amzn.to/36e96Sl
Weed Barrier with UV Resistance https://amzn.to/3yp3MaJ
Organza Bags (Fig-size) https://amzn.to/3AyaMUz
Organza Bags (Tomato-size) https://amzn.to/36fy4Re

Injection Molded Nursery Pots https://amzn.to/3AucVAB
Heavy Duty Plant Grow Bags https://amzn.to/2UqvsgC
6.5 Inch Hand Pruner Pruning Shears https://amzn.to/3jHI1yL
Japanese Pruning Saw with Blade https://amzn.to/3wjpw6o

Double Tomato Hooks with Twine https://amzn.to/3Awptr9
String Trellis Tomato Support Clips https://amzn.to/3wiBjlB
Nylon Mason Line, 500FT https://amzn.to/3wd9cEo
Expandable Vinyl Garden Tape https://amzn.to/3jL7JCI

Follow Me on TWITTER (@NCGardening) https://twitter.com/NCGardening
Follow Me on INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/millennialgardener_nc/

Location: Southeastern NC, Brunswick County (Wilmington area)
34.1°N Latitude
Zone 8A

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
© The Millennial Gardener

#gardening #garden #gardeningtips #viral #pestcontrol #organicgardening


  1. Just got a tip for a repellent.
    1 gal of water. At 1 raw red onion, 1 whole peeled garlic head, cayenne pepper. Let it sit overnight n spray plants. Gonna try n see if this makes the buggies stay away.

  2. What is the ounces of prytherin to water. I can use the squirt bottle like yours and/or the gallon sprayer that I also have. So far I only have these green caterpillars that is eating my peas and has just move to my tomatoes.

  3. If you enjoyed this video, please "Like" and share to help increase its reach! Thanks for watching 😊TIMESTAMPS for convenience:
    0:00 Intro To Natural Insecticides For Gardening
    1:58 Natural Pesticide #1: Pyrethrin
    5:56 Natural Pesticide #2: Spinosad
    7:09 Natural Pesticide #3: Wettable Sulfur
    8:37 Natural Pesticide #4: Bt Concentrate
    11:28 Adventures With Dale

  4. How about the dreaded Japanese Beetles? Nasty beetles that like to decimate our grape leaves, tree leaves, roses and more.

  5. I keep coming back to this video. First time growing in ENC and I have never seen the amounts of pests attacking my fruit trees, zucchini and brussel sprouts! After the first week, I was ready to give up. But, I am ordering the concentrates you recommended and will try to salvage what I have. Maybe I will figure it out and do better next season. Thank you!

  6. I am so grateful for the educational service you provide. Your information is organized, thorough and very well informed. I listen to you and take your advice. Thank you so much.

  7. You are right about Marigolds. We had giant ones last year. I completely tilled the plot this spring. Sure enough two Marigolds sprouted in the middle of the plot a few days ago.

  8. The only thing good about pests is that if the bugs will eat it then it is great for you to eat if bugs aren’t earing your food should you really be eating it

  9. Thanks for this informative video! Have a great day!🌼🌸🌼🌸🌼🌸🌼🌸Sounds like what Dales having is pretty tasty!

  10. I mixed the Pyrethin 1/2 tablespoon for a 1 gallon sprayer. It doesn’t seem to be killing bugs on contact. Bad bottle or mixing wrong? Thanks in advance.

  11. Will dead bug brew or pyrethrin kill bald face wasps? Or any wasps at all? I just found two, HUGE ones caught under one of our shade cloths, trying to catch a few little bees! I want the bees, I want the wasps GONE, but want only natural stuff since they’re all in our tomatoes and peppers!

  12. don’t buy any of these products. You want something that is a non chemical pesticide then you need to use something that 100 percent works. Grandevo and Venerate. they are a bacteria. Bugs eat it they will die. I promise you is way better than other bacteria products like Spinosad. Its what the major growers/commercial growers use. It’s what the marijuana industry uses as well. And believe it or not the testing for marijuana and what’s in it is at a way higher standard than our food industry by 10-fold easy. the only thing that 100 percent works on this video is BT but that’s strictly for caterpillars. Grandevo and Venerate will take care of everything. and it doesn’t kill beneficial insects like lady bugs etc. I have 25 years in the industry and I have tried it all from chemical and non chemical and Grandevo and Venerate is the only product that will give you the results(which is a complete eradication of pests) as the chemicals do. you can keep the population down with other products but its not a be all end all. if you get it early if might be but that’s a big if you get it early.

  13. After watching this video I saw another grower do a video that said that because dish soap is detergent that it will also damage your plants and even kill them if you use it as insecticide. I was wondering if you experienced any damage or dead plants after using the dish soap as insecticide? Thank you

  14. We are in Moore County NC near Pinehurst and one of our pest issues are snails 🐌 🤬 Captain Jacks Dead bug brew isn’t keeping them away this year!! Suggestions??

  15. Dr. Bronner’s Hemp Pepperment Pure-Castille Soap works for me in central Florida, and a little goes a long way so it is very inexpensive. Dilute a small squirt (teaspoon or less) in a quart of water.

    Don’t know whether it works on catepillars, which I remove by hand.

  16. Pyretrhin is your answer for a hornets nest. Sprnikle the dust around the entrance of an inground nest at night. They get it on their feet and track it into the nest like a spoiled childs muddy boots in the house.

  17. Your videos are so helpful. Here in northeast PA we have japanese beetles at this time. They are everywhere🙄 I will try some of these pesticides to see if it will work for those annoying bugs. By the way, you should do a video of how you make Dale’s food. I have two 9 month old German Shepherds and was thinking of starting cooking their food instead of buying the cans and dry food. Again… Thank you for all you do 🙏🏾

  18. Just bought a thing of BT. The worms have been destroying my plants! I have brussels sprouts that have gorwn and lost two sets of leaves so far! Its either a flame thrower, or something else at this point! 😂

  19. Spray deluded Tea Tree oil around everywhere you don’t want critters once a year and you’ll never have problems.
    Australian Tea Tree oil is the best.
    Put a teaspoon in your shampoo bottle. You or your kids will never get head lice. Twice my son’s school was closed because of lice but they never got it.
    I spray Tea Tree oil around the outside of my house and not only do I not have critters, but no mice or rats either!

  20. love your channel learning so much. buying a house and i want a backyard like your done your way. thanks

  21. How many days do you have to wait to harvest vegetables sprayed with THURICIDE

  22. Where I live in Georgia it has been raining literally every day or night for about 2 weeks straight! Will this nullify all these insecticides or is there one or two that will stay on the areas I spray despite the rain? It seems the rain is bringing out more insects that eat the leaves. New seedlings are gone in 24-48 hours and I either find just a stem left or literally nothing! I just bought some insect netting online but could not afford to get as much as I need to cover all garden areas.

  23. Hi. Thanks for all of your information. It’s really great. On the posion/ insect control, I have a question. I have a pup that has to chew out sniff everything, seriously everything, and chickens. I didn’t hear anything about any of these being pet – or chicken friendly. The chickens do a good job when they want to. Damn opinionated chickens. I have grasshoppers, squash borers, cut worn aphids, and a host of others. Any ideas? Thanks, yo. I also live in Northern Utah. The growing season is about 5 months, maybe 6, if that matters. Thanks again, yo

  24. I sprayed Pyrethrin on my potatoes yesterday and now the lots of the leaves have turned black! Am I going to lose my potatoes?

  25. Does anyone else use a spray of diluted Dawn dish soap and garlic oil (maybe some cayenne added for good measure)?

  26. Great info thank you! Ive got something going after my young Meyer Lemon. I’ll order through your store.

  27. When using Bonide brand Pyrethrin, the label says to use between 3-5 tablespoons per gallon of water. I find that is WAY too much and it has burned my leaves on my pumpkins and apple trees. Sometimes I do spray in the day time to kill the Japanese Beetles that are feasting on my apple trees so I don’t for sure if it is because I am spraying in the day time or because the ratio of concentrate to water is way too high. Any advice? I think you have mentioned that you only use 1/2 to 1 tablespoon per gallon of water.

  28. Could you use pyrethrum at night then use a mild oxidizing peroxide spray early morning to break it down faster? I love my bugs

  29. hi i love your videos…. i have a peach tree i want to spray natural bugs insects spray… and hopefully get good fruits harvest results.. last year lots of peaches were full of worms. please advice.

  30. Hornworms on tomato plants tend to be the thing we get the most – for this problem, would the BT be the best bet?

  31. I found one of those massive tomato worms on the tobacco trap plant. You better believe I cackled madly while I watched my chickens fight over it!

  32. For the Pyrethrin dilution- Would it be correct to use 0.5 teaspoon per 16 ounces of water for use on vegetables? The label says 3 oz per 10 gallons.

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