12 Essential Gardening Tools for Beginner and Advanced Gardeners

12 Essential Gardening Tools for Beginner and Advanced Gardeners

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I love garden tools…so much so that I probably have about 40 in my shed right now. But as a beginner, you only need about 3 – a cutting tool, digging tool, and watering tool. As you expand your garden, you may want to get into long-handled tools or specialty tools, so I’ve also included those in this video. At the end, a bit of a bonus on how I sharpen my tools to keep them working for years and years.

0:00 – Intro
0:53 – Hand Pruners
2:43 – Trowel / Hori Hori
3:49 – Watering Tools
5:42 – Shovel
8:22 – Wheelbarrow and Fork
10:09 – Oscillating Hoe
12:14 – Loppers
13:41 – Bonus Tools and Sharpening

SPONSOR: Corona Tools

Corona Tools was founded in the 1920s and has been making absolutely incredible, long-lasting, and functional garden tools since then, starting out with their original AG 5050 Orange Shear, which helped to save the citrus industry.


→ Classic Hand Pruner: https://growepic.co/3OirLTE
→ Harvesting Snips: https://growepic.co/3ScglSh
→ Dramm OneTouch Rain Wand: https://growepic.co/3SyF44D
→ Classic Lopper: https://growepic.co/3Sv5h42
→ Quicksaw: https://growepic.co/3Ueir6K
→ Sharpening Tool: https://growepic.co/3HC3vYN
→ Hoselink Hose Reel: https://www.hoselink.com./
→ Round Point Shovel: http://bit.ly/2Xu8S5l
→ Bow Rake: http://bit.ly/38zqxi5


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  1. Nice video! I love garden tools, chinese tea ware, and musical instruments! My tips: Go with biointensive beds and opt for a square shovel for digging those. Include a digging fork or broad fork

  2. Some one gave me a pair of Corona pruners. Never heard of the brand nor did the person who gave them to me. When I researched the brand I was surprised that somebody would give away these pruners. Pruners had a ding, must have been used to cut wire. I was able to file it down and they work fine. Great tool for anyone with arthritis in their hands.

  3. Thanks, I’ve been using cellfast products like these and they’ve been really helping me. I’ll probably try to get my hands on some more of these, thanks a lot!

  4. I bought the corona tools that costco has. Its not their highest end stuff but its still very nice. I cant justify Corona shovels at $150+ each. The search is on for a USA made quality shovel. I’d prefer wood handles

  5. I love garden tools. I love the wheel Barrell and the oscillating hoe. The sharpen is very handy. i need to get one of those. I could probably use it in the kitchen as well. Your video makes me want to go out and get all the tools. I am sure I could find some use for them. Thanks.

  6. A pair of scissors, a watering can, and a screwdriver are all I own for my garden and Ive had no issues this year.

  7. One other thing to mention is storage space. I have both, a rounded spade, and a square one, but I got the short type with the stirrup handle. Not only do they store in smaller space, but I take the square one in the car trunk, if I get stuck in snow.

  8. You talk a lot about fallen leaves or ":gardener’s gold," love that. Just want to say that I live in Massachusetts and I have a giant Maple that would cover one whole side of your yard! Every fall we rake and fill between 40-50 bags of leaves that we have to dispose of! I’d LOVE to make a deal to sell/ship them to you instead! Let’s talk! 😄

  9. the most impressive item is the bypass hand pruner. that said Lets play. How many of these tools have never been used Before. this whole video is full of products from a company whos product sits on the shelf because of its overpriced nature. I work at a store whose corona tool display is covered in dust because of the fact its over priced china manufactured items. I would personally like to know if the epic gardening expert would have went out and personally bought these tools? I doubt it.
    we also have 5 of these sitting there covered in dust.

  10. I have had horrible luck my garden hoses! I can’t spend the money on the hoselink at this time, but is there a middle of the road hose that doesn’t burst after a month or two of use?

  11. The fork is the only essential tool that no one knows saves your back and mind. Trying to shovel mulch out of those 1 cubic yard bags with a shovel is almost impossible and takes forever. The fork saves a lot of work when working with wood mulch piles.

  12. 1.hand trowel-used for loosening the soil around the growing plants
    2.water hose-a flexible tube which carrie water and used to water plants

  13. 1.Hand trowel-used for loosening the soil around the growing plants.
    2.water hose-a flexible tube which Carrie water and is used to water plants.
    3.rake-is used for cleaning the ground and leveling the topsoil use for collecting dried leaves,grass and dirt.

  14. 1.hand trowel-used for loosening the soil around the growing plants.
    2.water hose-a flexible tube which carrie water and used to waterplants

  15. I would love to get your opinion of the Cobrahead tool for weeding compared to the Oscillating Hoe. Long Handle Weeder & Cultivator Garden Tool – CobraHead . I can see the 10-Tine Manure Fork would move lot more faster & may get one.

  16. What brand is the Hori Hori style trowel? I’ve been looking for one like this one; most that I see are too shallow.

  17. Looking for a water wand. Bought the one in your link. Hoping I wave it and my garden turns into yours 😆

  18. Just found your channel for the first time, really good video thanks for uploading and thats me subscribed!

  19. Great video. I love to bake and I bake a lot of breads. Now, thanks to you, I can grow my own wheat like my native cherokee ancestors.

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