Plant Diseases – Prevention and 5 HOME REMEDIES that WORK!

Plant Diseases – Prevention and 5 HOME REMEDIES that WORK!

It’s that time of year. Powdery mildew, Mosaic virus, rust, wilt and other diseases creep into our organic garden when we least expect it. There are many ways to try and prevent it, which I cover in this video… but there are also many home remedies that work. Most of which you probably already have laying around the house.

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  1. Are you going to do a book review? Would love to see what’s in your book. Come to Idaho so I can get your signature. Love your channel.

  2. Your garden looks beautiful & lush; & I can imagine that the photos for your book will be perfect. Wow! You care for your garden, look for a new home, write a book, & still make time for a gardening video. You are amazing. I’m not sure if I have any of those diseases present in my garden, though my sweet pepper plant leaves look a little strange. Might be mosaic? However, the leaves on my cherry tomato plant are turning yellow & one leaf even has some bright orange color. The yellowing is slowly migrating up the plant. I removed the lower leaves. I have not had this issue before so I don’t know what to do. If you have time, please help? It would be much appreciated. Thank you for sharing. I have learned so much. Take care with moving. Blessings all round.

  3. With the higher humidity we’ve had the past couple weeks in SoCal came the powdery mildew on the squash plants, especially the winter and pumpkin varieties. PS – I like Next Level Homestead better, because family is part of a ‘home’stead…and it’s shorter.

  4. Hi we have a new zeal and flax that needs attention. I noticed at the base the stem has a white smallest barely visible little bug. What can we do please help

  5. My tomato plants appear to have Septoria leaf spot. I pruned the affected leaves (now I can actually see my tomatoes!) Tomorrow, I’ll spray that baking soda formula you mentioned on the remaining leaves and stems.

  6. Does this work for blight in tomatoes??? I’ve done hydrogen peroxide but I don’t think am doing enough 😕 of a dose

  7. I used the mouth wash and water last year on my zucchini and it worked great at getting rid of powdery mildew. It really saved my plants until frost.

  8. Some of my collards have holes in them a moth keeps coming by. I believe they r eating them what should I use

  9. My pepper plants are loaded with peppers but the leaves are turning yellow and falling off. Can’t seem to figure out why

  10. I have been cutting off the leaves on my zucchini plants when I notice powder spots. This is helping keep it under control.

  11. I wish you were moving next door to me!
    I’m always trying to solve gardening challenges.

  12. Super helpful! Thank you! I get powdery mildew on my volcano phlox every year. Hopefully between thinning it and using one of these solutions, that will help. Good luck with your move!

  13. OK so what happens if the rust is over every single leaf of your garlic plants. You can’t cut off all the greens or you’ll kill the garlic underneath

  14. Have you ever considered traveling to some of your viewers gardens!! You could do some episodes over that too.. I think that would be awesome!!
    I use milk and water for my squash plants for the mildew on the leafs

  15. As a newer gardener I find it hard to identify what the issues are .
    I research pics , think I know what’s affecting my plants , treat as recommended and no improvement . I’m down to a guessing game and treating for multiple things as I have no clue .
    I thought I had tomato blight , I thought I had Downey Mildew on cucumber plants , I saw tons of earwigs , treating and treating . I did try aspirin spay a couple times earlier on to help the immune response but then we had so much rain for days then a day of sun then rain . I hope your book will have pics of diseases and stages of diseases as well as the creepy things that attack our plants and treatments 😁

  16. Fungal diseases: mosaic, rust, verticillium wilt (lives in the soil), powdery mildew. Baking soda is an antifungal in the garden, mix 3 T per gallon of water, few drops of dish soap so that it will stick to the leaves. Do early morning or later in the evening, when the sun is not high. Spray heavily tops and bottoms of leaves, only kill spores it comes in contact with.

    Another spray is milk spray. Do this during the Sun of the day. The sun interacts with the milk on the leaves and creates free radicals that kill the spores. Mix two parts milk and three parts water, mix really well and spray on the leaves. Can do this every two weeks as preventative also.

    3% hydrogen peroxide, regular brown bottle stuff, also is a antifungal. 10 T of H2O2 with one gallon of water spray on all the surfaces of the leaves.

    Ethanol-based mouthwash also kills bacteria. 1:3 ratio mouthwash to water, mix it up spray it on the plants thoroughly.

    2-3 T vinegar per gallon of water also helps kill fungus.

  17. I’m in Adelaide, South Australia. Our climate is Mediterranean like California. From time to time I get black aphids on my onions, down low on the leaves. So, alliums don’t seem to repel that type of aphid. Also, my dill and fennel are often infested by green aphids, particularly when they are young or begin to flower or set seed. Great videos.

  18. I have some kale seedlings that have something on the backside of their leaves. They resemble hard crystalized clumps of sugar. Any thoughts? Anyone?

  19. Last year we loss around 80 tomato plants to the Tobacco Mosaic Virus, this year we loss about he same, We live in Florida and have had a lot of rain this Spring thur July. All this rain caused loads of bugs and wet leaves. and planters full of water causing tomatoes to split open and riot at the stem. I think we are done with tomatoes for a while, Our 60 okra plants have really been doing well for us as we pick about 25 to 30 per day, due to all the rain we now have a few plant showing signs of powdery mildew. Our pepper have been so so. At this point we are not sure what we will this autumn, We may take a break and clean everything out start over.

  20. Iam in a full blown panic. Iam a rookie with a small space. I planted one beef steak, and one cherry tomato plant in 7 gallon pots just to see if I can figure it out while still producing fruit. I have a fungus. I think its blite. The leaves at the bottom are fading in color and have brown spots. I alternate between neem oil and baking soda water solution. I live in a HIGH humidity area. My beef steak has 9 branches left coming off the stem. There are tomatoes growing and more blooms. I can’t stop it. Im afraid it will reach the fruit and die, killing my fruit 😫 WHAT DO I DO? I need a sure fix!

  21. I have rust on my pole bean plant and vine, should I pull the whole plant? I did also just spray it with Copper fungal yesterday, should I only take off the leave infected? And just leave the infected main stem/vine?

  22. I have a Janet Craig Plant and I think its a disease… it starts off with a yellow spot then it turns into a burnt spot… this is spreading all over… Can you tell me what it is…

  23. Great job on the video as always. These recipes are greatly appreciated! Thank you for creating a second channel focused on building your homestead. I’ve subscribed to the second channel.

  24. My Boston Vegetable Garden​I’d like to thank you for your tutorials, advise and encouragements. I have started a container garden on a part of my driveway, this is my first year.

  25. For Powdery Mildew I used 25% coffee cream (10%M.F.) and 75% water, it worked like a charm. I wonder if it’s also the Lactobacillus…. Good microbes outcompete bad ones.

  26. I have two melon varieties that have mosaic virus. The fruit was just about ripe though so I’ve not treated for it. No powdery mildew (yet) this year, I use Neem oil to control it and it works pretty well. I try to only plant VF resistant plants especially tomatoes and I’ve never had an infestation. Thanks for the informative video. Good one.

  27. ​if there is anything I’m missing please let me know. my YouTube channel is my boston vegetable garden. Thanks

  28. Why not just call the new channel "The Next Homestead Family". That seems close enough to "Next Level" without insinuating you know everything there is to know about homesteading… which might be what people expect if you left it "next level homestead family".

  29. My squash has lg white patches an stalks has powdery stuff on them. Will baking soda kill that. Please help!!!

  30. PLEASE HELP! I planted lots of marigold seeds around my cabbages because everything says they are good as a deterrent for cabbage worms but since aphids are atrracted to marigolds AND cabbages now i have a buffet for millions of aphids that are eating both plants! Ive been spraying with soap neem oil and Bt but nothing helps, question why do theysay plant marigolds with cabbages if it’s only going to bring another infestation problem of aphids 😫😫😫

  31. Have every kind of fungal disease. Feeling beat, all my beautiful tomatoes, I think it is in the soil.i also think it is everywhere in the garden. This time I added compost from a nursery, that didn’t help,rather exacerbated the issue. I also did the aspirin hack, the weather is not helping, rains continuously and then goes to extreme heat next day.

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