How to Choose BAGGED SOIL for Your Garden
Don’t get tricked and waste your money, choose the best bagged soil for your garden needs.
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Love the frog soil but ita $65 a bag
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❤’s For Tuck!! BOGO 20% Off Presidents’ Day Sale! TeamGrow.us
I’m pretty sure the best instruction is on WoodPrix.
Dave Leduc?
Dear god, happy frog is 25 a bag!? Thankfull I live in fox farms home town and its ~9 for that same bag.
So as a new grower, I am building a bed, ie building a little brick wall and adding soil on top of the ground to fill. What would I fill about 6’x3’x20”?
Hi, I am having to do a raise bed due to piping under the native soil. What is your recommendation of soil would I need to plant roses in my raised beds?
Love this, super invaluable information! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
This information is awesome! Can you elaborate on loamy soil? I read that my elephant ear plant would be better using loamy soil.
What moron buys soil in a bag?
I love Tuck!!
I never knew there was so much to learn about soil, oh my goodness. Thank you , I always learn a lot from you!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Most of the pre-mixed stuff are scams or expensive. Your best bet is to just buy something cheap as your base, and then amended it yourself, such as cheap topsoil, and then add peat moss, perlite, worm castings, etc.
So informative! Thank you!!
❤❤❤❤❤to Tuck!
Love you Tuck!!
Amazing video James! Thank You so much! I too love the happy frog brand. Also here in Maine (and maybe elsewhere) we have a product called Coast of Maine which is very good too!
As an update, only morons buy this crap
Soil is like trail mix the more peanuts it contains the cheaper it is, the less peanuts and more other nuts the more spendy
What is the best soil mix for corn in a pod
Very helpful!
So if I need to buy it OTC miracle gro raised bed soil is the best?
Thanks for the upload..can you do a video on the manure bags please
Thank you for the video. MY suggestion would be — Use all of these products and PLANT the same plant under the same conditions and actually see which plants grow the best.
Very useful. Thanks…
🐕💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚🐕 Thanks Tuck for hangin wit ya pops and sharing your knowledge !😊
So appreciate this video!!❤❤❤❤❤
How wld u know if your soil had soil born diseases
❤❤❤❤ For Mister Puppy!!!! I wish I could meet him and give him all the scritches!!
Great video and very helpful for a new gardener like myself.
Question: If I’m looking for soil that is loamy (growing Jicama), what do you recommend?
Thank you
This is hands-down the *best* YouTube video on the differences between all the different soil products out there on the market — absolutely outstanding work
That is very complicated.
I use coast of maine or Fox farm
FULL of chemicals…great appetite to eat the plants, vegetables and fruits obtained by you with these globally industrialized chemicals…"dislike"
My go to for my flower and garden beds has largely been a mix of homegrown top soil that’s mixed with organic matter and ash, years of build up from an old fire pit mound that I’ve managed to dig out and doesnt take long to fill back up with fresh material. Frankly it’s the best dirt I’ve ever had, not to say the topsoil in the area isn’t rich enough as is. Only time’s I’ve had to use something else was when I used manure compost under some pine trees to recondition the soil. Didn’t take long for my other plants to spread over and keep that area healthy
I was going to fill a 12x4x1.5 bed this weekend. I can get free compost so I was thinking I could go heavy with it and do half compost with quarter peat moss and quarter topsoil. Do you think that will work for spring planting?
Thank you James for giving us all the dirt on dirt! 😂 I’m going to make my own next year. I was so disappointed in the quality of what I bought last year for my raised beds. Not like it used to be. 🌱
PRO TiP – Mix soil with coco & stuff in a concrete mixer. To do way more with little effort!
10X’s faster and 10X’s easier!
Ok now layer it all together into a lasagna pattern design and see what happens
I used same soil for everything in ground ,raised bed, potting and seedlings haven’t had any issues
❤️ for Tuck!
Thank you for taking the time and $ to give us all an overview of what is out there. Peace and thanks!
❤❤❤ Lil Boss ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you! This is really helpful!
This is a very great video and is very explanatory 👍. I’m a beginner and currently struggling with the type of soil, I’m grateful for this video, I’m going to get the coco coir and the peat Moss and mix it with the top soil I have, but if you can do a video on how to mix the soil, it will be much appreciated 👏 😊
btw James can you grow vegetables in a raised bed filled with just compost?
Where the heck did you get happy frog for 25 bucks for 2 ft.³?!
❤❤❤❤ Love for Tuck